Powder coating control equipment Wagner Layer Check LC 1000

Reference: 2388371 Print

Wagner Layer Check LC 1000 powder coating control equipment is designed for non-contact powder and liquid coating layer thickness measurements immediately after application at a distance of up to 50 cm from the workpiece.

Product information

Wagner Layer Check LC 1000 powder coating control equipment is designed for non-contact powder and liquid coating layer thickness measurements immediately after application at a distance of up to 50 cm from the workpiece. This results in lower costs, improved quality and process reliability.

Advantages of Wagner Layer Check LC 1000:
• Non-contact and non-destructive measurement: non-contact measurement of powder and wet paint coating thickness immediately after application, up to 50 cm away from the workpiece.
• Excellent coating results: significant material savings by avoiding unnecessary overcoating. This saves a lot of money and protects the environment.
• Reliable: quality control ensures that workpieces are not undercoated. This avoids malfunction and system downtime.
• Flexible application: determines the thickness of the layer without any problems, even on curved surfaces of workpieces, inside sides and edges, as well as on various materials (metal, plastic, MDF, etc.).


Length 38 mm
Width 51 mm
Operating temperature 5-30 °C
Input voltage (not Atex) 0-230 V
Input frequency (not Atex) 0-50 Hz
Height 20 mm
Weight 0.016 kg
Processed materials Metallic effects
Method of application Metal coating
Plastic coating
Protective coating
Wood coating



For decades, the "Wagner" group has been known worldwide as a supplier of innovative painting equipment components.

For industry, "Wagner" offer technologically advanced equipment and systems for the application of fluid coatings, powder coatings and paint to surfaces. Contractors use its reliable and economical tools with a range of technologies including airless to apply paint, coatings and plaster. For do-it-yourself enthusiasts, "Wagner" has developed a wide range of user-friendly home-improvement products.

Many companies working in the wood, metal, plastic and automotive industries have tested and installed "Wagner" equipment in their production.

In order to best respond to the needs of "Wagner" customers, company portfolio of products is organized into two divisions. The Decorative Finishing division develops tools that are tailored specifically to the needs of contractors and "do-it-yourself" enthusiasts, while the "Industrial Solutions" division manufactures industrial surface coating products and systems for a range of industry sectors.

"Wagner" provides components and solutions for the manual and automatic application of liquid, solvent and water-based coatings. Company focus is on reliability, durability and high, process-safe coating quality of surfaces.

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